hi clamav-users;

        i've been using clamav for a long time now, and love it
        dearly. however, once in a great while i get burned by
        outdated definitions. at one point it was just me not
        paying attention to the freshclam logfiles (i needed to
        upgrade) but more recently freshclam just failed silently
        and stopped logging. i actually had to kill -KILL the
        freshclam process, and restart it. once that was done,
        it grabbed the latest updates and all was well again.

        however. i need to know when freshclam fails silently.
        i know freshclam includes options to alert on errors,
        but i'd rather have some other process looking at it
        and making sure it's doing the right thing. has anyone
        tackled this problem? or is this just too obscure?

        my systems are:
        intel celeron 1.1 ghz / 512 mb / ide
        debian stable/testing with linux 2.6.4
        clamav/freshclam 0.83-5
        ultrasparc IIi 440 mhz / 512 mb / scsi
        debian stable/testing with linux 2.4.18
        clamav/freshclam 0.83-5

        other than the hardware and kernel these two systems
        have identical software configurations.

        i'm using amavis from debian testing, which is rather
        ancient but has given me no grief. both these systems
        failed around the same time (april 24) whereas two other
        almost identical systems (also an intel and another
        sparc) kept working perfectly.  
        any ideas? i'm thinking about cobbling together something
        in perl to run from a cron job.


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