On Wed, 4 May 2005 17:12:00 +0200
Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 4 May 2005 17:08:10 +0200
> Dörfler Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > thats why he upgraded to 0.84 ;)=
> No, he didn't. Read carefully what that lame Sunday school admin has
> written.

All those people "currently running clamav 0.70rc-1" (dated on Mon Mar
15 20:53:10 CET 2004) and "trying to upgrade to 0.83" when 0.84 is out
are throwing me off balance.

   oo    .....         Tomasz Kojm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  (\/)\.........         http://www.ClamAV.net/gpg/tkojm.gpg
     \..........._         0DCA5A08407D5288279DB43454822DC8985A444B
       //\   /\              Wed May  4 17:13:34 CEST 2005

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