On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 05:13:32PM -0700, Jef Poskanzer said:
> >Run with debugging on, send the problem emails through again, and see
> >if something shows up.
> Ok, this is a good suggestion.  

[ ... ]

What I was hoping for would be a single run of the email through the
milter, and also debug output from clam{,d}scan so I could learn
something about the file itself beyond what the milter debug outputs.
It is of course difficult to do much with a regular volume mail server
still processing mail at full tilt.

> Looking at the clamav-milter man page I see two different debug flag,
> --debug and --debug-level.  I randomly picked the latter, and tried
> running with --debug-level=9.  This flag was not recognized, of
> course, since the FreeBSD port isn't compiled with debugging enabled.
> I hacked the port's Makefile to add this, rebuilt & reinstalled, and
> then ran.

Also, Debug in the conf file helps quite a bit, and was actually what I
was referring to.

> Afterwards I stopped and restarted clamav-milter without the
> --debug-level flag.  Guess what, it still generates debug info on
> stdout.  I guess that is why the FreeBSD port does not enable
> debugging.

Of course, the --debug option to configure is for testing and debugging,
not production use.  0.85 wouldn't even compile if you passed that
|  Stephen Gran                  | Good night, Austin, Texas, wherever you |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | are!                                    |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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