On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 06:12:31PM -0700, Jef Poskanzer said:
> >Also, Debug in the conf file helps quite a bit, and was actually what I
> >was referring to.
> Ok, I uncommented that option and stopped/started clamav-milter.
> I don't see any new syslog messages, or anything on stdout.  Where
> should I be looking?  Do I also have to re-enable the regular
> logfile, in addition to LogSyslog?  I just tried that, and all I'm
> seeing in the log file is worm-found messages.

OK, let me be completely explicit.  You want both

in clamd.conf.  Start a single instance of the milter (by hand - no init
script that may daemonize the milter or otherwise hide output from you) 
on an otherwise quiescent machine.  Send an email with the false negative.

You will get a ton of debugging output, most of it from the library.

Presumably something is hiding some of the output from you, as I get the
'Foreground is a good idea with Debug' message if I only use Debug.

> >Of course, the --debug option to configure is for testing and debugging,
> >not production use.  0.85 wouldn't even compile if you passed that
> >argument.
> I used --enable-debug, and in 0.85.1 it did compile.  Not using that
> now tho.

You do not need it for what I am asking for.  We may get that far, but
doing that actually changes some of the internal logic, so I would
rather get to the bottom of it without using that option.
|  Stephen Gran                  | Gravity is a myth, the Earth sucks.     |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |                                         |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve |                                         |

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