On May 17, 2005, at 4:03 PM, Bill Taroli wrote:

Steffen Winther Soerensen wrote:

This seems more like a discussion for another mailing list or a Usenet
group on MTAs/SMTP IMHO

I don't disagree... are there any good ones for SPF or similar debates? I do think -- much as you'd find in the Amavisd list -- that these issues do tend to intersect and overlap in various ways. While clamav is obviously about virii, it routinely gets deployed right along side spam and other tools.

I'd argue that ClamAV is no longer even "just an AV". It was crossing the line to "malware detector" when it started filtering phishing attempts that have nothing to do with viruses, much as Spybot now detects several Bagle variants.

Not saying it's good or bad...just stating the way it appears to be from this observer's viewpoint.


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