> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:clamav-users-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt Fretwell
> Sent: 08 June 2005 20:27
> To: ClamAV users ML
> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] ERROR: Clamuko: Can't register with Dazuko
> Scott Woodford wrote:
> > Either way, when I run a scan using "clamscan" or "clamdscan", or
> > Clamuko simply finds a virus, I get no message that a virus was found,
> > except in the log.  All I get was something like "error accessing file".
> >  I want both myself (root) and users to get a message saying virus found
> > if either Clamuko picks it up, or a manual scan.  I'm not concerned
> > with emailing right now.  These are standalone systems.  Any ideas on
> > that?
>  What are the contents of the Virusevent line? Clamscan will not use that
> parameter, BTW.
> Matt
> _______________________________________________
> http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html
[Timothy Omer] 

Scott, im so sorry - im getting myself confused (been a long day)

Clamscan does not use clamd.conf, which is why I use that entry in my

Clamuko dose use that log file, so after the Virusevent line you need to
enter something that will print to the screen a virus has been found, below
is what I have... 

VirusEvent echo %v | mail -s "A virus has been found on the Office Server"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] < /var/log/clamav/clamd.log

... that sends me an email, you need to replace it with your own code.

Sorry for my mistake :-(


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