Chris wrote:
>>So you either run freshclam once with -d or run it from cron without -d.
> I realize that, my cronjob reads "freshclam -d -c 24
> which runs in damon mode and makes 24 checks in a 24hr period.
> Or, at least that's the way I interpreted the man page.

That is correct.

My comment is about the use of cron, which usually is intended for running
scheduled programs and that schedule implies repetition.

> When using webmin to setup a cronjob you have an option:
> When to execute
> Run on selected schedule .. Run at times selected below ..
> I have it set to "Run on selected schedule - when system boots"

I've never seen cron used like this.  So my comment before was apparently wrong,
I'm not sure wich version of cron allows this "when system boots" option.

>>If you don't know what you are doing then start by reading the
> I read the man pages, maybe I misinterpreted them!

Perhaps I'm the one that has obsolete information, well what you describe
certainly doesn't work on Solaris 9, perhaps it works on Solaris 10 and/or new
Linux distributions (are you using Fedora Core 4?).

Anyway, the problem you described is still there, something (perhaps that new
cron) ran freshclam at least twice.  The idea, if you want freshclam as daemon,
is to run it once with the -d option, or run it periodically (using cron)
without -d.

HTH, sorry for my misunderstanding.
René Berber


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