I'm assuming that none of this will affect Exchange connectivity.

Say my MX record sends to <<clamRelayIP>> and then automatically forwards to my MTA (whatever flavor of Windoze SBS). I'll just config each client to connect to Exchange via http/proxy via whatever A record I create (e.g. exchange.domain.com).

(Just checking)


Dennis Peterson wrote:
Roger Rustad said:

I've inherited responsibility for (too) many Microsoft Small Business
200x servers.  While many of these have some sort of antivirus on them
(Symantec, McAfee, TrendMicro), I can never be sure that they're
properly updated. I'd like a managed ClamAV relay to scan for garbage
(phishing, virii, trojans, etc) *before* they even hits the mail
servers. Any that slip through can then be taken care of whatever AV
solution is (or isn't) properly updated.

Not knowing where to go for this help, I went down the clamav.net page
and emailed some of the companies there. One response I got from Linux
Network Care seemed very reasonable for smaller domains.

- setup: 40$/hour and one hour minimum for each domain
- 5$/ per domain and 5000 emails per month

Not sure what happens after 5000 emails, but I'm gessing that it would
just forward directly to my MTA. I'm assuming that my MX records would
be something like:

--MX record 0 pointed at whatever ISP is managing this box
--MX record 0+ on my email servers

And if the managed box went down, mine would then automatically handle
the email, right? Also, I'm assuming that a such a service would not
affect my working http://mail.domain.com/exchange OWA (Outlook Web
Access) setup.

I would roll this solution myself, but I'm a bit concerned about who
will babysit this after me.


To compare, I don't charge a setup fee 'cuz I hate them,
$10.00/month/domain with no limit on messages unless you require terrabyte
throughput (AOL need not apply). All else is as you state. You also get
spam filtering or not. That sed, those are pretty decent rates, but since
this is not rocket science you can replicate all these services with a
$700 server and a bunch of free software. And having sed that, you will
burn up a lot of hours tuning it, and the best way to recover that cost is
to resell your service. Now we're full circle as that is what I do.



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