On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 10:40:26 -0500 in [EMAIL PROTECTED] Joe
Polk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey, I understand that top-posting or not-posting is really import to 
> some people but to go so far as to say it's harmful is a bit of a 
> stretch.  For some it's just following the natural order of email 
> clients, most of which cursor the top.

They place the cursor at the top to encourage the trimming of the
quoted material, not so that people can just start typing merrily away
without formatting their post correctly.

The really bad ones also place the sig above the quoted material and
make people think that they should start typing there. The 'natural
order of email clients', as you put it, existed long before a certain
company flooded the market with a client that exposed newcomers to
these bad habits before they had learned from the old-timers the
sensible way of doing things that had been around since the dawn of


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

GnuPG key ID DE32E5C5 - http://wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwkeys.html

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