On Wednesday 21 Dec 2005 01:24, C. Andrews Lavarre wrote:

> I just ran freshclam:
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED] services]# freshclam
>       ClamAV update process started at Tue Dec 20 20:19:28 2005
>       main.cvd is up to date (version: 34, sigs: 39625, f-level: 5,
> builder: tkojm)
>       daily.cvd is up to date (version: 1213, sigs: 1844, f-level: 6,
> builder: diego)
> and then checked freshclam.log. IT IS EMPTY!
> So it looks like clam-update is simply checking the freshclam log
> and echoing any complaints found there.
> FWIW, running clam-update in the foreground just hangs... Maybe it's
> waiting for a server. So I've just kicked it off in the background,
> we'll see if the same nag appears. What's frustrating here is that
> cron.daily has no reference to clam-update, but as the above shows,
> something is triggering it besides me (I'm asleep at 4AM) and it
> ain't cron doing it either.
> Very interesting problem...

ps ax | grep freshclam

and look for something like
3073 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/local/bin/freshclam -d

if it's there, try and figure out what is starting it (if you haven't removed 
it already), look in /etc/init.d or possibly even /etc/inetd or /etc/xinetd


Bob Hutchinson
Midwales dot com

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