> />
> > here is a tool to split up mailboxes (like those used by thunderbird)
> > and scan the mails individually. ..../
> This seems to me to be rather late into the scanning process - the mail
> has already been accepted and in fact delivered and now you are going to
> look for viruses? Where have you been?
been right here.  the circumstances arose where mail folders are kept
from a pre-clamav time, or there was an issue with the clamav setup at
the time, or clamav was not scanning incoming mail but was scanning
files, etc.  can happen.  happened to me.  from looking at the mailing
list and the faq, it does happen.
> The time to look for this stuff is while you're still on line with the
> sender, not after the recipient already has it in the inbox.
true enough.  best it to catch it inline.  but if not then what.  that
is what i wanted to help.

> That is
> fricking nuts.
chill, man.  if pawing thru old mboxes is not your bag,  then delete the
message and move on.  it may be helpful to someone else....


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