Paul Boven wrote:

Here too, updates stopped on august 16th.

On 6 out of 6 mailservers running clamav, something went very wrong on august 16th.

I run freshclam out of cron so would never have had this problem. I see failures all the time - 'Mirrors not fully...', etc., but it finally gets a fresh pattern. However, it should run reliably as a daemon and does not. My personal opinion is they shouldn't waste 5 minutes fixing it - they should remove the daemon feature and require a cron solution. I've never understood the need for the daemon mode. Any daemon requires a monitor and the fewer of those you have the better off you are.

I run one freshclam tool in production (and another in a test lab). Any updates it receives are redistributed inside the net by Cfengine. Cfengine also lets me know if the freshclam logs are indicating an error since the last run.


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