On Monday October 23, 2006 at 07:01:47 (AM) Christopher X. Candreva wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 05:53:30AM -0400, Gerard Seibert wrote:
> > Anyway, we send out several times a week flyers to our customers. These
> > mailings range from 750 to 2000 messages per run. To scan 2000 identical
> > messages is insane, not to mention a total waste of system resources.
> > Other than going to the expense of setting up a separate mail server,
> > etc. I am looking for a way to circumvent this annoyance.
> To answer your original question: You scan outgoing mail for the same reason 
> you scan incoming mail: To see if it has a virus. If you have otherwise 
> restricted the ways your users can send mail (blocked port 25) -- if you 
> even HAVE users -- this will alert you to infections on your network.  I am 
> assuming you want to know about infections on your network.
> As someone else pointed out, how you send your bulk mail will effect the next 
> answer: If it is one message with many names, it is only scanned once. If it 
> is individual messages (not as silly as it sounds, for VERP 
> bounce-processing purposes) then you will need to see how to not have those 
> scanned.
> IE, clamav-milter can have compiled-in addresses not to scan. If you know 
> that those messages come from one IP only, and that machine won't ever be 
> infected, you can whitelist there. All will depend on what you do.
> Personally, with linux free and hardware all over the place I would just set 
> up sendmail/postfix/whatever on a separate machine for bulk mail, so bulk 
> mailings can't ever effect regular mail.
The mail is sent using DADA Mail, a discussion mailing list manager
similar to Mailman. Again, yes, VERP is being employed. These are double
opt-in lists, not a SPAM list like some asshole aka 'troll' mentioned in
a reply. BCC is not even an option since these messages are customized
for each individual recipient.

I will investigate the 'white-listing' concept. I had not noticed that
before. Setting up another PC is certainly an option, and one that we
were intending to do sometime after the New Year when we get a new


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