On Nov 7, 2006, at 6:16 PM, Jim Redman wrote:


Steve Holdoway wrote:
> You really do need to get out of the mindset that you don't actually >need to know what you're doing to administer a server. It is *NOT* a >trivial task, requires skills to support it, and years of experience to >do it well.

Your opinions, seem to be the prevalent attitude of the vocal members of this list - if you don't suffer, it wasn't worth it.

Is it really suffering if the steps are documented and you can follow them?

Suffering to me would be if the steps are outlined somewhere and in the course of following those directions, you get errors and failures. Or the routine isn't documented anywhere so you have to dig and hunt and infer how to configure something.

If you're a sysadmin and following directions is defined as suffering, I think you may have other problems to deal with...

I would argue that I'm know enough about server administration to realize that my knowledge of ClamAV will never be as deep as others on this list, how much better if they create a secure, stable, successful, packaged configuration and everyone (which happens to also include me!) benefits from their knowledge. Or does that sound like flamebait?

Because what fits your needs may not fit other people's needs when you stop to consider how draconian or how absolutely loose-and-free different mail admins can be? There are still idiots running open relays out there. Encouraging people to know what the hell they're doing helps separate those idiots from the rest of the populace.

Maybe what would actually be helpful is an automated uninstall/ reinstall that asks what options you want set to what values, and compares changes from the previous install. Makes it more tedious though.


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