> Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > Jim Maul wrote:
> >> somebody else wrote:
> >>
> >> Gee, I downloaded this package for clamav and installed it and now 
> >> there are all sorts of other things that still need to be done to get 
> >> it working correctly. Maybe clamav developers could work with the 
> >> package maintainers to make this process go more smoothly?
> > 
> > This is precisely a request for help and for someone, anyone but him, to 
> > build a product to his specification. Your statement is made illogical 
> > by your example.
> > 
> Says who, you?  Sorry, but I really couldn't care less about what you 
> have to say.  By the way, it was a SUGGESTION, not "precisely a request 
> for help" as you seem to think.

It was the ? at the end of your statement that gave it away. That forced it
away from a suggestion to an actual beseeching. 

>From Webster's
One entry found for beseech.
Main Entry: beseech
Pronunciation: bi-'sEch, bE-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -seeched or besought /-'sot/; -seeching
Etymology: Middle English besechen, from be- + sechen to seek
transitive verb
1 : to beg for urgently or anxiously
2 : to request earnestly : IMPLORE
intransitive verb : to make supplication
synonym see BEG
- beseechingly /-'sE-chi[ng]-lE/ adverb

I like the synomym offered. 

Nothing to see here, people, let's get back to work.


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