On Wed, November 29, 2006 5:01 pm, Tom Samplonius said:

> I don't know if that is accurate.  clamd seems completely CPU bound.  I
> also don't know why additional threads would use a lot of extra memory,
> as clamd seems to just stream data from the files it is caching.
> And I don't see it in practice either.  clamd with MaxThreads uses about
> 50MB resident, and clamd with MaxThreads of 10 is about 48MB.  The
> difference is so small, that is probably just local thread storage.

I'll admit I'm not 100% sure it is accurate either: I know it was the
advice normally given for _one_ of the mail-filter mailing lists I'm on,
but I can't remember which one...

I was actually hoping to just bring some more attention to your question
by offering my best answer, even if it isn't _the_ best answer.  Usually
suffices to get the people who really know out of the woodwork.  (My
experience on mailing lists is that if a question isn't answered in about
a day it will get forgotten.)

Daniel T. Staal

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