Daniel T. Staal wrote:
On Wed, November 29, 2006 5:01 pm, Tom Samplonius said:

I don't know if that is accurate.  clamd seems completely CPU bound.  I
also don't know why additional threads would use a lot of extra memory,
as clamd seems to just stream data from the files it is caching.

And I don't see it in practice either.  clamd with MaxThreads uses about
50MB resident, and clamd with MaxThreads of 10 is about 48MB.  The
difference is so small, that is probably just local thread storage.

I'll admit I'm not 100% sure it is accurate either: I know it was the
advice normally given for _one_ of the mail-filter mailing lists I'm on,
but I can't remember which one...

I was actually hoping to just bring some more attention to your question
by offering my best answer, even if it isn't _the_ best answer.  Usually
suffices to get the people who really know out of the woodwork.  (My
experience on mailing lists is that if a question isn't answered in about
a day it will get forgotten.)

I would add this: If you provide a thoughtful but wrong answer the thread may never die because people stumble all over themselves to correct your answer (not suggesting that's happened here, btw). Sometimes I will slip an obvious error into the discussion just to draw out a full discussion of something I don't completely understand. It's not quite evil, but not quite honest, either, but it produces results.

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