On 12/12/2006 19:44, Edward Dam wrote:
Just to expand on this thought a bit.

Shouldn't something like this be the default behaviour? To download the CVD
files to a temp location, and run the MD5 there before moving it into the
live database directory?

This way a corrupt/bad database could be prevented from going live, and
hanging the mail system. Only verified good cvd files would be moved into
the live data dir, and clam would never hang because of this failure.

freshclam already downloads cvd files using a temporary name and verifies them before installing them.

cdiff files on the other hand are only verified if freshclam was built to use the GNU GMP library, and cdiff updates are applied to the live incremental databases. If anything goes wrong, the incremental database is removed and the full database downloaded.

The thing I'm not too sure about is what happens if clamd is told to reload the databases while freshclam is in the middle of updating them (for example, from a script that updates the third party databases from MSRBL and SaneSecurity). I think it would be possible for clamd to see the databases in an inconsistent state in that case and crap out.

Conversely, freshclam could tell clamd to reload the databases while some third party database update script is updating the third party databases. But in that case it is possible to write the third party database script so that each database is replaced atomically at the file system level (by ensuring that the old database and (a copy of) the new database are on the same filesystem before the atomically moving the new one over the old one).

To avoid these problems, freshclam and the third party update scripts could be run sequentially from a single cron job, rather than running freshclam as a daemon.

-=( Ian Abbott @ MEV Ltd.    E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        )=-
-=( Tel: +44 (0)161 477 1898   FAX: +44 (0)161 718 3587         )=-
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