Hi Ian,

Thanks again. I will make the modifications to the server-th.c file and let
you know.

As far as the HD cable goes, this is a server with 3 x 36GB 10,000 RPM SCSI
drives in RAID 5 on an adaptec 2120s raid controller. (at the latest bios
revision.. yep, tried that as well).

The thing that makes me rule out disk I/O is that this is the only error on
the whole system. There is a decent amount of data (40GB or so shared via
samba) on this same array, which gets a lot of traffic - but no errors in
the logs, no performance issues, nada. All is well there. If this were a
disk issue, I'd think we'd be having a lot more problems on that side than
on the clamav side.

On 12/13/06, Ian Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What normally happens during the self-check is that the database
directory entries are read, but the files in the database directory are
not reloaded unless the directory entries have changed.  This means that
the "SelfCheck: Database status OK." message does not mean the database
files were read okay, rather they weren't read at all.

May I suggest a minor code change for diagnostic purposes?  In
clamd/server-th.c, look for the lines:

            logg("SelfCheck: Database status OK.\n");
            return NULL;

and change them to:

#if 0 /* original */
            logg("SelfCheck: Database status OK.\n");
            return NULL;
#else /* temporary test */
            logg("SelfCheck: Database status OK.  Reloading anyway.\n");
            return root;

This will force the self-check to reload the database files even if
nothing has changed.  Then if you get MD5 errors randomly after this
message in the logs, you'll know it has nothing to do with freshclam,
and more to do with random disk read/write errors.

Have you tried replacing the HD cable?  You never mentioned it.
Certainly for P-ATA disks, don't expect much in the way of error
detection unless Ultra DMA mode is being used (and even then, CRC error
checking is only performed for data packets, not for command and status
packets).  It's unlikely to be a problem for S-ATA disks though.

-=( Ian Abbott @ MEV Ltd.    E-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        )=-
-=( Tel: +44 (0)161 477 1898   FAX: +44 (0)161 718 3587         )=-
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