Dennis Peterson wrote:
Jim Maul wrote:
Dennis Peterson wrote:

This is not rocket science.

Who said it was? The OP clearly asked for people who run freshclam as a daemon who have NOT had problems with it in the setup. You are not one of those people so im still trying to figure out why you felt the need to post.

Cmon, this is not rocket science.

As one of those who talked of freshclam dying I was offering background on why I did so and the disciplines that cause me to configure systems as I do. What was the purpose of your post?


The purpose of my post was to point out that you did not even remotely provide what the OP was asking for. He was asking to hear from those of us who DO use freshclam as a daemon and what OUR experiences were. Instead, you chose to give a detailed explanation on why DONT use freshclam in daemon mode and what you do instead. Then you chose to throw in a little condescending "this is not rocket science" comment at the end. Classy really.

Happy holidays.

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