Hi all,

I could use some debug tips.  I have clamav installed on CentOS 4.0
along side qmail, spamassassin, simscan and some other software.  I've
been running 0.88.7 since it's release with no problems.  In fact,
I've been running Clamav since pre 0.80 without any issues.

I've compiled clamav with the same parameters as before, but adding in
the experimental flag.  I ran all three RC releases with no problems
whatsoever, but the final release seems to be crashing.  There are no
messages in the log as to why this is occuring, and I've been able to
find no correlation between the three machines it's running on.  It
runs for a while and then all of a sudden it stops for no apparent

Any tips on debugging this would be quite welcome.  For the moment,
I've resorted to re-installing 0.88.7 on the two machines that are
mission critial.


Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
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