Michael Brown wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to this list, but a long time user of ClamAV.

For years I've been using this simple procmail (clamscan-procfilter.pl) script from

It's worked great, until I upgraded to the 0.9X ClamAV and it no longer is able to pass e-mails to the clamav daemon. I'm not sure why, but as far as I can tell everything is peachy with clamav, freshclam runs just fine, the clamd process is running. The configuration file is correct. The only thing I can guess (and after searching the mail list since no one else has reported this yet) is maybe some scanning parameters for the new clamav has changed and that's why this script is not working.

The script has a section where it passes the e-mail to the clamdscan script to scan and then later in the file does other things to redirect virus infected e-mails, etc. As far as I can tell, the files are being sent over to scan, but they remain (never removed after a successful scan). I thought maybe this is not using the right command to scan the file (updated version has new parameters) and thus that's why e-mails are not getting a proper clamav scan.

If anyone has experience with this procmail script, any information would be greatly appreciated.
# Where are your binaries?
$MKTEMP='/bin/mktemp' ;
$CLAMSCAN='/usr/bin/clamdscan' ;
$FORMAIL='/usr/bin/formail' ;

# Read in the email from stdin
@file = <> ;

# Create/open a temp file for the output of clamscan
$TMPFILE=`$MKTEMP /tmp/clamtemp.XXXXXX` ;
chomp $TMPFILE ;
open  CLAM, "|$CLAMSCAN --stdout --mbox - > $TMPFILE" ;

Im not running 0.9X but im pretty sure --mbox isnt valid anymore. And why is the variable CLAMSCAN when its calling clamDscan? Its just a little confusing...

print CLAM @file ;
close CLAM ;

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