On 4/11/07, Brian Morrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd say that it is more dangerous to stop mail delivery due to failed
> virus scanning than it is not to scan mail while clamd is unresponsive.

But then the potential for virus infected email to get through is
raised.  While I realize that end-users *should* have virus scanners
on their machines, the "comfort" factor knowing that the email server
is scanning for virii makes them a tad complacent.  Thus it's more
likely that a user can be infected if they believe that no virus laden
mail can reach them.

So, instead, blocking mail until the virus scanner is back online is,
imho, a better option.  Of course, at that point you're relying on the
SMTP capabilities of the senders...  But on the upside, it stops spam
from coming in for a while!  :)

> Brian Morrison

Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold
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