At 10:42 AM 4/11/2007, jacusy wrote:
> > Yes, clamd and the whole clamav structure should be more resistant to
> > failure.  Your choices are to either work with it as is, or wait
> > until clamav is more mature.
> >
>It should not be too hard to rewrite freshclam so it downloads the
>update to a temporary file first, and then processes the database.

I'm quite sure that freshclam does that already, but I don't think 
that any testing is done on the database other than verifying the 
digital signature is good.  I don't know if it's practical to do more 
extensive testing on the downloaded database before using it, but 
that might help.  It would also help if all of clamav was more robust 
when presented with unexpected database results.

I'm not sure why there were so many failures last night, but I 
suspect it has something to do with failing or maybe taking too long 
while trying to convert the main.cvd file to the directory 
structure for incremental updates, but that's just a guess.

Freshclam download failures are not terribly uncommon and don't 
usually cause clamd to croak, so this  problem was more complicated 
than a simple freshclam failure.  Hopefully the developers will be 
able to solve this.

Noel Jones 

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