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Micah wrote:

>> There are scripts on line you can download that will split your single file 
>> into
>> individual files - each a complete message. These you scan one at a time. 
>> After
>> you've found and dealt with the infected message(s) you reassemble the 
>> individual
>> files into a single file again.
>> Start here: http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/mb2md/
> Wow.  This seems like such an unnecessary and time consuming hassle (to me, 
> it seems ClamScan
> should be able to tell you what message tested positive as it does detect 
> email files and the
> individual messages within).  I was really hoping when I first got the hit 
> that the "verbose"
> option would give me some information; but the output was actually no more 
> verbose.
> I don't mean to rant (much).  I do realize we are dealing with the current 
> limitations of the
> scanner and how to work with them.  But I really think there should be a push 
> to have the scanner
> spit out more useful information.

You want to use clamscan for something it was not designed to do, it was
designed to detect viruses and that's all.

As I said, a long command that splits the mailbox (just like Dennis suggested),
tests each message and reassembles the mailbox without the infected:

$ formail -Ys sh -c 'tee temp.file | clamdscan --quiet - && cat < temp.file >>
mailbox.cleaned' < mailbox ; rm temp.file

All in one line, formail is part of procmail, and use of clamdscan is faster
that clamscan.  Remember that old_mailbox probably is a live one, so it would
better to stop receiving messages.  If you want to see what was infected, just
`diff old_mailbox new_mailbox`.
- --
René Berber
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Cygwin)


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