
i am new to this ML and have searched the ML-Archive and the WIKI, but did not
find a solution to my Problem. It seems to be the same that Gerard posted in
http://lurker.clamav.net/message/20070831.125647.914a5c0c.de.html , but he
did not get an answer:

I have a Mailserver with clamav, and this installation does not do what i
expect it to do:

In the Logfile it says:

Fri Jan 11 11:35:35 2008 -> Self checking every 300 seconds.

But then it does not check the databases every 300 seconds!

It does not log like my other clamav Mailservers, which all say:
Fri Jan 11 12:26:11 2008 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Fri Jan 11 12:32:48 2008 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
Fri Jan 11 12:45:10 2008 -> SelfCheck: Database status OK.
(This is logged on my other Mailservers which are working correctly.)

Maybe its only not logging its SelfChecks, but i think for some Reasons it 
does not check, even clamd ist configured to do so.

I also have the SaneSecurity Pattern configured, and the scamp.sh script
forces clamd to successful SelfCheck and relaod the database correctly every
time it runs.

So my Question is:
Why is my clamd not checking his Database every 300 secs, although he is
configured to do so and tells me in his logfile, that he will do it?

Tested Clamd Versions: 0.91.1, 0.91.2-volatile


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