
On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 11:22:08AM +0000, G.W. Haywood wrote:

> > I don't know about your output from clamconf, but mine is a grand total of
> > 107 lines (courtesy of wc -l).  What's the point of using tail in this 
> > case...
> To see just the last ten lines.  :)

On different Servers i have different Results of clamconf. One says:

Engine and signature databases
Engine version: 0.92
Database directory: /var/lib/clamav/
main db: Format: .cvd, Version: 45, Build time: Sun Dec  9 16:50:53 2007
daily db: Format: .inc, Version: 5483, Build time: Mon Jan 14 15:45:01 2008

and on another Server the "Engine and signature" Part ist missing.

This one is:
Clam AntiVirus: Configuration Tool 0.91.1

> At the risk of everyone telling me that it's not necessary, could
> we please have a documentation patch which confirms the rumour that
> the database self-check only happens if/when a scan is performed?

I would appreciate that ;)


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