On Wed, 2008-03-12 at 01:32 -0400, Jack S. Lai wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 1:09 AM, Tarak Ranjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   i have configured clamAV in my server and it's successfully running,
> >  but in clamd.conf five i have not seen anywhere mentioned about
> >  Attachments......
> >  so that's why i wanted to know is there any extra utility i have to
> >  configure or i have to pass any extra parameter in clamd.conf file to
> >  scan the mail attachments incoming as wel as outgoing.
> Try a middle (front/back?) end to clamav... Like P3Scan
> http://p3scan.sourceforge.net
> This will transparently scan your email in/out w/clamav and does not
> require anything but freshclam * (and p3scan) running.
No, i just want to be specific on on clamAV, is there any plugin or
parameter in clamAV to do the Attachment scanning. 

Anyone give me some thought to do that....


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