Tarak Ranjan schrieb:
On Tue, 2008-03-11 at 18:18 +0100, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
Tarak Ranjan schrieb:
> Hi List,
> How can i configure my clamd , that will scan all my incoming mails
> attactments,...

Install the appropriate mail filter extension for your mail software,
and configure it to use ClamAV as its virus scanner.

Sorry I cannot be more specific, it's because you weren't either.

 i have configured clamAV in my server and it's successfully running,
but in clamd.conf five i have not seen anywhere mentioned about

Correct. There isn't.

so that's why i wanted to know is there any extra utility i have to
configure or i have to pass any extra parameter in clamd.conf file to
scan the mail attachments incoming as wel as outgoing.

I have answered that question. Just read my answer and ask specific
questions here if anything is unclear.

Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH                               Tel. +49 228 97199 0
Adolf-Hombitzer-Str. 12                            Fax  +49 228 97199 99
53227 Bonn, Germany                               www.phoenixsoftware.de

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