Carlos Williams wrote:
> So it appears my installed version is too old to update the database and 
> I need to upgrade from 0.90.3 to the latest version. I don't know who or 
> how this version of clamav was installed on this rhel4.6 es server but I 
> downloaded the tarball since clamav is not a supported rpm available 
> from Redhat. Now my question is what should I do to get this version 
> upgraded? Do I need to completely remove the old version and install the 
> 0.93 version from scratch (which I assume would break mail delivery 
> since clamav is tied into amavisd-new) or is there something I am not 
> seeing here?
> If you guys have any suggestions for me that would help me get the 
> latest version of clamav on this system w/o breaking it, I would be most 
> grateful!

It looks like earlier versions were installed as RPM packages from 
rpmforge using yum, not the RH repository. Have you tried using yum to 
see if the current version is availble?

A couple things to run before too long:

rpm -qa |grep clam


Capture the outputs to files because you'll probably need them.


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