
Than I do have a problem there  I now found two clamd.conf one in 
/etc/clamav and one in /usr/local/etc/.
 So I'll think the best way is once again first remove all the clamav 
files I can find and than install it again from source.

But how can I find which prefix to use or does it does not matter when I 
start from scratch and simply use /usr

What strikes me a strange that I find two conf but when I check if 
clamav is installed it comes only back with one instalaltion and I also 
think that Ubuntu is installing in a diff dir than you standard so its 
better no the use apt-get update here ?

Thanks for your support so far.


Török Edwin schreef:
>> You have a good point there while compiling I use /etc because that is 
>> the place where I can find clamav
>> Is it possible that Ubuntu from his resps installs it in a complete diff 
>> directory. and if so do I frist than have to delete the present version 
>> of clamav and than use /etc again
>> or do I use youre standard
>> I have tried both and in the first situation all of the sudden I had two 
>> installations and by the second Ubuntu could not found Clamav (make more 
>> sense to me)
>> And if I installed it like the first with prefix /etc  after a update of 
>> Ubuntu it sets Clamav back to 0.91 ? Also the resp from Ubuntu always 
>> claims to install 0.92 but is does not happen! But I think that could be 
>> a problem from Ubuntu.
>> Could /etc be a problem as prefix
> Yes, /etc is for configuration, not for binaries!
> Usual prefixes are /usr, or /usr/local.
> You should also remove the Ubuntu package before installing the
> hand-built binary.
> --Edwin
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