dpkg -l gives

ii  clamav-base                      
0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1                     anti-virus utility for Unix 
- base                                           package
ii  clamav-daemon                    
0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3~feisty1                    antivirus scanner daemon
ii  clamav-freshclam                 
0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3~feisty1                    downloads clamav virus 
databases f                                          rom the In
ii  libclamav2                       
0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3~feisty1                    virus scanner library
rc  libclamav3                       
0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1                     anti-virus utility for Unix 
- libr                                          ary

apt-cache gives


  Geïnstalleerd: (geen)
  Kandidaat: 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1
     0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1 0
        500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/universe Packages
     0.90.2-0ubuntu1.6 0
        500 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/universe Packages
     0.90.2-0ubuntu1 0
        500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages
  Geïnstalleerd: 0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3~feisty1
  Kandidaat: 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1
     0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1 0
        500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/universe Packages
 *** 0.91.2-3ubuntu2.3~feisty1 0
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.90.2-0ubuntu1.6 0
        500 http://security.ubuntu.com feisty-security/universe Packages
     0.90.2-0ubuntu1 0
        500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages
  Geïnstalleerd: (geen)
  Kandidaat: 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1
     0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1~feisty1 0
        500 http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/universe Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I have restarted Fresclam en I deed ldconfig and also reboot the machine 
in total still this message

freshclam daemon 0.91.2 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i486)
ClamAV update process started at Sun May  4 21:28:41 2008
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.91.2 Recommended version: 0.93
DON'T PANIC! Read http://www.clamav.net/support/faq
main.cvd is up to date (version: 46, sigs: 231834, f-level: 26, builder: 
daily.inc is up to date (version: 7024, sigs: 45628, f-level: 26, 
builder: ccordes)

clamscan and freshclam -V gives  ClamAV 0.93/6688/Wed Apr  9 16:40:38 2008
whereis clamscan gives /usr/local/bin/clamscan
whereis freshclam gives /usr/bin/freshclam  ( is this not odd )

If I do apt-get remove clamav Ubuntu gives message clamav not installed

If I do apt-get upgrade Ubuntu want to install the next

Reading state information... Klaar
De volgende pakketten zijn achtergehouden:
  clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam
De volgende pakketten zullen opgewaardeerd worden:
1 pakketten opgewaardeerd, 0 nieuwe pakketten geïnstalleerd, 0 
verwijderen en 2 niet opgewaardeerd.
Er moeten 93,9kB aan archieven opgehaald worden.
Na het uitpakken zal er 0B extra schijfruimte gebruikt worden.
Wilt u doorgaan [J/n]? n

Sorry but I am losing it alltough I think the solution is near.


Török Edwin schreef:
>> Try it once more,
>> if I do apt-get update Ubuntu will install clamav version 0.91 and will 
>> indeed downgrade this happened allready several times. Clamav is a part 
>> of one of the resp of Ubuntu but I cannot find which one otherwise I 
>> would simply uncomment that resp.
>> And with apt-get upgrade it is or you upgrade everything or nothing at 
>> least as far as I now.
> What is the output of:
> dpkg -l | grep clamav
> apt-cache policy clamav clamav-daemon libclamav3
>> It not such a big deal because I am building a new server with the 
>> latest version of Ubuntu (hardy).
>> And for good orders sake I am talking about a server and not the desktop 
>> version of ubuntu.
>> And this one I forgot I still have in de freshclam log this message 
>> WARNING: Local version: 0.91.2 Recommended version: 0.93.
> You need to restart freshclam, you're still running the old version.
> Also run ldconfig.
> --Edwin
> _______________________________________________
> Help us build a comprehensive ClamAV guide: visit http://wiki.clamav.net
> http://lurker.clamav.net/list/clamav-users.html

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