On May 8, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Rekrutacja wrote:
> is it possible that developers will add option to clamscan, to load  
> file
> list to be scanned, from other file?

Can't you do this via something like:

% ls -1 > /tmp/filelist_to_scan
% xargs clamdscan < /tmp/filelist_to_scan


> the problem is i have many users uploading files, and i log it. i want
> clamscan to run like every minute or less, and scan these files from  
> the
> list, but it takes a lot of time for clamscan to load into memory
> (viruses databases)

Right, so use clamdscan rather than normal clamscan.

> wouldn't that be easier to just be able to add like --load-from-file
> option, where i can tell clamscan which files should be scanned?

I don't see anything wrong with the notion of having explicit support  
for loading filenames from a file, but you can use xargs to place such  
files onto the command-line arguments and get the same results....


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