I am becoming concerned about the reporting process after a virus I have
submitted three times has still not appeared in the database.

About a month ago, one of my children used e-mule and downloaded and ran
a trojan.  The machine became infected with a host of interesting
malware.  I decided to see if it was actually possible to clean it, so I
isolated it from my LAN and swept it with Clamwin until it seemed clean,
then went on to watch it for a while.

About two weeks ago I found an entry in the HKLM/.../Run registry to run
"regsvr32.exe c:\windows\lqrsyvhqlumkzzo.dll" - obviously pretty
suspicious.  Investigating the registry entries it added, I found that
it attached itself to internet explorer and appears to be an adclicker.
 I checked it out at VirusTotal and got no hits on it.  I haven't been
first reporter on a new piece of malware for a couple years, so I was
actually a little happy about finding it.  I reported to ClamAV
describing my findings.

Follow Up:
After reporting to ClamAV, I checked back to see when it would get added
to the database.  After a few days when it didn't happen, I thought
perhaps because there were no corroborating antivirus products that
detected it as malware, that maybe my submission wasn't deemed credible.
 I retested it at VirusTotal and got two hits, and re-reported it to
ClamAV, dutifully entering in the corroboration.

A few days later and still nothing.  So again, a re-test at VirusTotal -
4 hits, resubmission.  Nothing again. A few days later 8 hits at
VirusTotal, and a resubmission.

Today there are 16 hits on VirusTotal for the malware, and still no
entry in ClamAV.  It has now been two weeks.  I don't know why I set
ClamAV to update daily if it takes this long to get something added to
the database.

This has made me extremely concerned with the submission process.
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