This is interesting. I will need to change the logo for the ClamAV live cd
then :-(.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Nigel Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sven,
> I am sorry it has taken so long for me to reply to this.
> > I'm going to write a clamav-related article in my blog and I want
> > to use the ClamAV-Logo to illustrate the entry.
> > I found no licensing or usage information about the logo on the
> > clamav-homepage, faqs or in the archive and so I'm asking here for
> > permission to use the logo or for a contact I can ask for
> > permission.
>  I am looking into this question right now so your timing was interesting,
> hence the delay.
> I wanted to ensure that I had the correct information for you. I still
> don't
> have the definitive answer,
> as soon as I have that I will post a follow-up here. In the meantime I
> wanted you to have something
> and to know that I haven't ignored your request.
> For now you may like to know that it the likely usage of ClamAV and the
> logo
> are those that you'd
> be likely to do anyway:
> 1) Use the letters TM after the first usage of ClamAV.
> 2) The A and V should be upper case, thus "ClamAV".
> 3) You must reference Sourcefire as the owner of the ClamAV name and logo
> in
> a manner that is satisfactory
> to Sourcefire.
> > Ciao,
> > Sven Rütz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hope that helps you. Feel free to contact me directly if you want.
> Regards,
> -Nigel Horne
> --
> Nigel Horne, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Director of Product Management (ClamAV), Sourcefire,
> +44 1226 241048 or +1 706 705 4022 FAX: +44 870 705 9334
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