Bill Landry wrote:

> Just to update this thread, RC1 compiles and installs without
> error/issue on Fedora 10.  The one thing I have noticed is that when I
> stop the clamd service now (service clamd stop), I see the following in
> the clamd.log:
>    WARNING: Syncpipe write failed
> Here are all of the lines written to the log when clamd is stopped:
> Fri Feb 27 13:18:15 2009 -> WARNING: Syncpipe write failed
> Fri Feb 27 13:18:16 2009 -> Pid file removed.
> Fri Feb 27 13:18:16 2009 -> --- Stopped at Fri Feb 27 13:18:16 2009
> Fri Feb 27 13:18:16 2009 -> Socket file removed.
> Is this something I should be concerned about?

Thanks, Bill, for posting this. You can safely ignore this message.

We are aware of it (see and we
expect that it will be addressed in the final release.

-Nigel (left hand starting to work - I can now type with two hands for 
as much as 2 minutes before I have to give up in pain - X rays available 
on request ;-) )

Nigel Horne,
Director of Product Management (ClamAV), Sourcefire,
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