On 2009-03-12 10:41, Steve Basford wrote:
>> The safebrowsing.cvd will be distributed under Google's terms and
>> license. Therefore, before enabling SafeBrowsing in freshclam.conf
>> one should check that he's OK with that license. We'll provide all
>> necessary information and links to make it easy to find out.
> Hi,
> Just a quick question:
> What files will be push into the safebrowsing.cvd, all of the following or
> just some of them?
>     * goog-phish-shavar: a list of hashed suffix/prefix expressions
> representing sites that should be blocked because they are hosting
> phishing pages.
>     * goog-malware-shavar: a list of suffix/prefix regular expressions
> representing sites that should be blocked because they are hosting
> malware pages.

Just these.

On 2009-03-12 00:05, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> Is such a list now available to explore for gotcha's that need to be 
> whitelisted?

The list contains only hashes, so you can lookup URLs, but not browse them.

Best regards,

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