>On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:07:19 +0200, you wrote:

>On 2009-03-17 20:02, George R. Kasica wrote:
>> I'm not sure how to use crle to do this, so I just added to the
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting. 
>> All seems well at this point, and you were correct, I wasn't looking
>> to disable the feature.
>> Why does this not occur in Red Hap ES4 but on Solaris? 
>Because on Red Hat you probably installed to /usr/local/lib or /usr/lib,
>which is already in the runtime linker's
>search path?
No, both are installed to /usr/local/clamav same for both OS types
here, it makes maintaining this easier on 52 servers when only 2 are
Solaris and the rest are Red Hat EL4.

>> Also, I haven't
>> needed to modify the env variables on any prior versions...what's
>> changed??
>libclamunrar_iface is now loaded at runtime, see this page which
>explains why:
>https://wiki.clamav.net/52 Main/UpgradeNotes095#Packaging_and_Dependencies
OK, though that still doesn't answer why it behaved differently under
Solaris than Red Hat.....I'm glad I only have 2 Solaris boxes that
need the changes not 50.....that would be a bit more work....any way
to avoid this in the future possibly as I'm now concerned if there
would at some point be a change on the Linux side that affects this.

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