On 2009-11-23 02:44, Michael Piscopo wrote:
> Edwin,
> You were right on track!  I did a stat of a file the way it was originally 
> mounted and the inode value was 22517998136991737.  I'm sure that's what the 
> problem was.  I remounted it with the iserverino option set and stat then 
> reported a value of 19.  Clamscan then worked perfectly.   Except the 
> performance with the --detect-pua=yes was REALLY slow.  4 seconds to scan a 
> directory with 2.6MB in it without --detect-pua versus 6 minutes 10 seconds 
> with it.

Are all files in that dir slower to scan, or is there a particular one
that is so slow? What if you copy the file to a local FS and scan it there?
Please open a bug about this, and attach one of those files, together
with timings for pua and w/o.

> But I think the main inode issue was solved.


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