Hi All -

I'm new to clamav, but I've spent time looking through the archives and
FAQs, so I hope my question is not too "newbish".

I'm running clam 0.95.3 on a single Centos 5.3 system.  That system will not
be connected to the internet ever, but I have DSS/NISPOM security
requirements that I run AV tools on that computer and update the virus
dat/database files on a regular basis.  I see that freshclam is a nice way
to get the updated sigs etc., but I will be running without that tool.

What is the best way to get virus sig updates via sneakernet?  From the
setup I have, I see that there is the main.cvd, daily.cvd and daily.cld
files which are all the ones that need to get updated.  

I believe it is the two daily.* files that need to be the same version at
all times, correct?  Is main.cvd the engine then?

Thanks for the help

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