On 2010-01-07 22:08, Robert Wyatt wrote:
>>> The simplest way would be to run freshclam, copy
>>> {main,daily}.c[vl]d to your device, then stop clamd on the
>>> CentOS system, remove main.*, daily.* from the DBdir, copy
>>> over your new databases, and start clamd.
>> Okay, seems reasonable...but why run freshclam at all if I am manually
>> copying the databases over onto the device?  Are the steps you
>> described the
>> ones that actually get done  automatically when you run freshclam? 
>> (save
>> for the getting the databases from the 'net)  Or are you running
>> freshclam
>> in the above sequence to verify versions at the start?
> Hi John,
> Wanted to jump in to say that I found that confusing also. This is how
> I read it:
> 1) On external (meaning: not CentOS) machine: run freshclam (which
> will pick up the new {main,daily}.c[vl]d), then copy those new files
> to your sneakerware device.
> 2) On CentOS machine: stop clamd, copy over new files, restart clamd.

Also remove any old database files in step 2). Otherwise you may end up
with both a .cvd and a .cld file, which will load the same database twice.
> So the question is back to Torok for clarification.

Yes, that is what I meant, thanks for explaining it more clearly.


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