On Fri, 16 Apr 2010 15:24:39 +0100, Simon Hobson
<li...@thehobsons.co.uk> articulated:


The problem with getting in a pissing contest is that even if you win,
you get wet. There are dozens of other analogies I could use; however,
I don't want to offend you.

The bottom line is:

1) You and you alone are responsible for your system. You failed to
keep it up-to-date and are now suffering the consequences. Trying to
off-load that onto someone else's plate just isn't going to cut it. You
are probably familiar with the analogy, "Excuses are like assholes,
everybody has one."

2) There were notices of the change (read EOL) posted. If you are too
busy to keep current for a system that you apparently are
administering, they you have a serious problem. Either the job is
beyond you or you are not attending to it seriously enough. That is not
to be taken as an insult, but rather as a statement of fact.

3) Consider this a 'test' to see how good you really are.

I was bitten in the ass a while back when MySQL dropped support for
MySQL60 and FreeBSD just dropped it from the ports collection. I had
two choices; bitch and complain (like some we know), or get my ass in
gear and fix the situation. Several hours (and beers) later, problem
solved. Of course, I had the proper tools installed to recompiled those
programs that were formerly linked against MySQL60 against the new
replacement version. When something has got to get done, roll up you
sleeves and get to it. I learned a long time ago that all you get from
yelling and banging you head against the wall is a case of laryngitis
and a headache. Neither of which do I relish having.

Right now you should be backing up your precious configuration files,
etc. If you suddenly had a catastrophic HD failure, what would you do;
bitch to the HD manufacturer? Even if you did, it would accomplish
nothing. The hardest part of any OS installation, at least in my
opinion, is the configuration. If I have a complete backup of those
files and settings, the rest is usually uneventful. The added bonus is
I get (in most cases) better software and a chance to further optimize
settings that I might have long ago forgotten about, or are now


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