> 2) If it aint broke - don't fix it. There's no way I'd attempt a
major upgrade in-place when it's a live server used 24*7. For various
internal reasons (which I'm sure you can guess) I don't have the
resources to do anything but an in-place upgrade if I want to upgrade.

Well if they don't want patches on it, and they're not prepared to give
you money to have a backup server to do upgrades on, then it can't be
as critical as they're telling you.

Or it could be a reflection of management priorities - the job pays the bills, it doesn't mean I like all of it.

Yes, and most likely the case and most likely the managers screaming that it should not have failed because they did not authorize the server to fail. And yes this a weak attempt at humor on my part and not in need of retort.

> 3) I can accept that software will go out of support - but I never
expected a Miscrosoft-esque remote shutdown.

You should have expected it 6 months ago when the announcement was made.

Well I could have if I'd seen that - but that ground's been covered to death already.

But on a more serious note, what method would you like to have had them take to make you aware of the impending failure? I think they did due diligence although they failed to provide a link to the EOL page which should have been prominently displayed on the page the ClamAV log warning links to. If there are more notification methods they should have used, then that is where improvement should be made not debating if they should protect users from signature and other improvements that may break unsupported versions.......

Simon Hobson

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