On Mar 15, 2011, at 4:51 PM, Chuck Swiger wrote:

> One thing you might consider doing is using "find /location -mtime 1" to 
> generate a list of which files have been modified over the past day, and only 
> scanning these via clamdscan -f.

I experimented with this option last night (also suggested by Steve Holdoway), 
and it works as expected. (Vastly decreases scan time by reducing the number of 
files that need to be scanned to a mere pittance.)  The risk is obvious that a 
baddie could be overlooked because it might present a false modification date 
or simply not be recognized by clamav for some period after it gets dropped 
onto the computer.

I *think* I ran into one gotcha that I had to work around: I had to filter out 
directories from the Find results...otherwise, clamav would scan those 
directories whose contents had already been scanned because those contents were 
already listed elsewhere in the Find results. Users more experienced with Find 
may have just thought that requirement was self-evident and didn't need to be 

My Find command looks something like this, and is supposed to filter out 
directories and anything modified more than 60 minutes ago:

find [path to directory] [path to second directory] ! -type d -mmin -60 > [path 
to output file later read by clamav]

I'm now going to do some testing with the MaxScanSize directive.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC

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