On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:02 PM, Dennis Peterson <denni...@inetnw.com> wrote:
> Barely on topic but I have a question about RPM's. I'm rolling out an
> enterprise ClamAV solution for PCI compliance and need to use a reliably
> sourced RPM distribution from a third party. I've always done this myself
> but as a contractor that would not be appropriate as I won't be there
> forever. I have no experience with these distributions so wonder if there is
> any kind of consensus on a good vendor. I've seen Dag Weir's packages, for
> example and they seem fine. Best practice says find two such reliable (and
> interchangeable) vendor's products should one or the other become
> non-available.
> The platform of interest is RHEL 5.x, 6.x, and the Oracle Linux equivalents.

I've used a couple of repos over the years and been bitten by annoying
things like not being promptly updated with new releases, changing
user between clam and clamav and changing db location between
/var/clamav and /var/lib/clamav.

I have now settled for EPEL which seems to be current and of
reasonably high quality.

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