On Wed, 2014-02-12 at 15:29 +0100, Andrew Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-02-11 at 21:28 -0800, Dennis Peterson wrote:
> > On 2/11/14, 8:06 AM, Andrew Kelly wrote:
> > 
> > > So..... <bump!>
> > So..... Andy - You do know that this is the wrong list for complaints about 
> > Debian support, right? You might have better luck here: 
> Thanks for the guidance, Dennis, much appreciated.
> I'm curious, though... I've seen half a dozen or more threads
> in the last few weeks that have precious little to do with
> the core business of this list. Why is it that you picked my
> mail (very much on topic in an existent thread, by the way)
> to play hall monitor?
> Is it just because you're seeing my name for the first time,
> or have you just not been reading everything posted to this
> list?
> At any rate, I'm running a farm of "stable" and "old-stable"
> deployments, the dep nightmare of pulling something from testing
> isn't really going to serve my customer base very well. And
> the 20 minutes.. well, were it that painless I'm sure half a
> dozen daily readers of this list would have already back-ported 
> things months and months ago.
> Hope I haven't upset you, that's really not what I intended, 
> and as I said, I'm quite grateful for your response.
> Andy

The reason he pointed it out and "picked" on it... it is a resolved
issue with regards to this list. The Debian Maintainer has release
0.98.1 into Sid and Testing.

This Bug is closed.

Debian Stable is that. If you must have 0.98.1, you should also be using
"backports"... at least I used to until I just used Sid for everything.
Backports help extend Stable's longevity and "freshness" a bit... but it
is no guarantee 0.98.1 will be there.

This thread you happen to pickup on, was indeed resolved by the upload
to incoming for Sid of 0.98.1... dunno there isn't much more to say than
you need to light a fire under the Debian side of things to get it into
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