On May 12, 2014, at 2:57 PM, Al Varnell 
<alvarn...@mac.com<mailto:alvarn...@mac.com>> wrote:

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 11:41 AM, J MCN wrote:

Hello,  I am writing with a question about the EOL policy here:

I have a few 0.97.7 instances still out there and the wording in the EOL
has me wondering if they are technically unsupported. Is the 0.97 branch
still supported?

Maybe the question is better asked: Is 0.98 currently the only supported
major branch?

There was an announcement made here on March 28th "ClamAV 0.95 Engine End of 
Life Announcement”
<http://www.clamav.net/2014/03/28/>.  I would infer that 0.96 and above are 
still supported.

Don’t forget the last section of the above post:

"We will also be EOL’ing 0.96 in coming months, so if either of those versions 
is currently in use, it is highly suggested that you upgrade to the most 
current version. “

Joel Esler
Open Source Manager
Threat Intelligence Team Lead
Vulnerability Research Team
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