Hi there,

On Wed, 31 Dec 2014, Franklin Wang wrote:

Why can't I find reviews ... Any suggestions?

Look harder.

I'm using openSUSE now, with rkhunter, AIDE, gpg installed.

It is not clear to me what your list is intended to convey.
Gnu Privacy Guard has nothing to do with detecting viruses and
AIDE is more like tripwire than ClamAV.

On Thu, 1 Jan 2015, Franklin Wang wrote:

Of course, it's wonderful to know more friends with the same hobby.

For many of us it's work, not a hobby.

... The virus db of clamav may be the same on the several types of
platforms, but the commercial softwares maybe not.

Speculation isn't much help to anyone,

I copied a result of 'Day0 Summary' from shadowserver.org ...

and unqualified statistics are worthless.

To answer the question in your subject line (which doesn't seem to be
the real thrust of your messages) I have no particular preference for
anti-virus on Linux since I do not routinely scan Linux machines for
malicious software.  Yesterday I scanned one because I discovered that
the system logging daemon was not running but it turned out that I was
to blame for the problem.  As far as I can remember that was the first
time in several years that I have scanned a Linux machine.  It is not,
in my opinion, worth the effort.

The main that reason I use ClamAV is to gain access to the third-party
spam and phishing databases, to clean mail.  After processing our mail
with filters other than ClamAV, the spam and phishing messages vastly
outnumber those (if any) which contain malicious software.  In October
last year I put some statistics here on the ClamAV list:


A second reason is that I have customers and suppliers who do insist
on using Windows machines.  When one of them sends mail with a virus
in it, I prefer that we will not copy it to the others.  The fact that
there may be a virus in mail which is to be read by my staff is not of
itself a great concern, since it will be a Windows virus and our Linux
boxes will be immune to it.

I've been using Linux for around twenty years.  Of the hundreds of
Linux machines which I have worked with in that time, I have never had
contact with an infected one - although I'm told that they do exist.

If you find any useful statistics on Linux viruses, do share them.


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