
On Mon, January 18, 2016 07:11, Al Varnell wrote:
> We’ll have to wait for the ClamAV signature team to come to work in the AM
> to get an official answer, but I’m curious on how you know that all of
> these submissions to VirusTotal represent proven threats?  In my
> experience, many files uploaded to VT are totally harmless with no
> scanners detecting them as infected.

maybe, but then it would be no bad idea to note this with
"no threat, harmless" or similar

> One possibility is that these entries were posted simply to let the
> submitter know that a new signature was not required.

maybe, but these should also be noted, as this is confusing;

> Another possible explanation that I’ve seen in the past is that they were
> already detected with a current signature, but normally the entry is
> annotated with that information.

correct, something like
"Submission notes: Same as in Submission-ID 1172664244"

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