I hate having to point this out, but...

When Alain notified the list that the signature had been dropped on July 25, 
2016 at 8:12:21 AM PDT, daily:21968 had just be published.

It wasn’t until daily:21975 that the following appeared with the first dropped 
> ClamAV Signature Publishing Notice
> Datefile:       daily
> Version:        21975
> Publisher:      Alain Zidouemba
> New Sigs:       119
> Dropped Sigs:   1
> Ignored Sigs:   33
> Dropped Detection Signatures:
>    * Xml.Exploit.CVE_2013_3860-1

When I checked before this update the signature was still present on the ClamAV 
Virus Signature Search site.  When I checked shortly after this update it was 
gone. So that would seem to make it a total of seven update cycles before it 
was actually dropped.

And that still doesn’t explain why three days went by between daily:21954 and 
daily:21971 (eighteen cycles) with identical updates of:
> ClamAV Signature Publishing Notice
> Datefile:       daily
> Version:        21971
> Publisher:      Alain Zidouemba
> New Sigs:       0
> Dropped Sigs:   0
> Ignored Sigs:   33
> New Detection Signatures:
> Dropped Detection Signatures:

But that question was asked in a different thread by a different user.


On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 07:27 PM, Joel Esler (jesler) wrote:
> It may take more than one publish cycle to drop a sig.  Publish cycles are at 
> least every four hours.
> --
> Joel Esler
> iPhone
> On Jul 26, 2016, at 10:16 PM, Al Varnell 
> <alvarn...@mac.com<mailto:alvarn...@mac.com>> wrote:
> Appears to be finally gone at this time.
> <http://clamav-du.securesites.net/cgi-bin/clamgrok?virus=Xml.Exploit.CVE_2013_3860-1&search-type=contains&case-sensitivity=No&database=daily&database=main&display=database&display=virus&display=signature&.submit=Submit&.cgifields=database&.cgifields=search-type&.cgifields=case-sensitivity&.cgifields=display>
> -Al-

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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